Celebrating Pride, 2022. Coordinated and assembled seven blog posts from LGBTQ+ Plant Scientists from the USA and UK to discuss challenges and solutions to make our community stronger. Plantae. June 2022
https://plantae.org/celebrate-pride-2022-with-the-lgbtq-plant-scientist-network-blog-series/ |
Letter to the editor on issues facing LGBTQ+ Plant Scientists. The Plant Cell, 2021. https://plantae.org/challenges-facing-lgbtq-early-career-scientists/
Panel discussion on being LGBTQ+ and a plant scientist. From 2019. https://plantae.org/lgbtq/
Recap of LGBTQ+ Allies 101 workshop at Plant Biology 2020. https://blog.aspb.org/listen-and-learn-workshop-recaps-from-allies-101-lgbtq-and-inclusive-pedagogy-at-plant-biology-worldwide-summit/
Website focused on Queerness connections to plant biology and ecology. https://www.queerbotany.com/
Article on LGBTQ+ celebration at the Chelsea garden. https://www.chelseaphysicgarden.co.uk/visit/whats-on/a-dash-of-lavender-lgbtq-month-at-chelsea-physic-garden/
Link to the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP). https://noglstp.org/
Link the to the out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (oSTEM) organization. https://www.ostem.org/
Website for the UK based Pride in STEM organization. https://prideinstem.org/
Link to LGBTQ+ STEM. https://lgbtstem.wordpress.com/
Link to the yearly Out to Innovate conference for LGBTQ+ folks in STEM (organized by NOGLSTP): https://www.noglstp.org/outtoinnovate/